Сообщество Империал: Age of Empires II - Сообщество Империал


Age of Empires II

Легендарная игра 1997 года
Тема создана: 07 мая 2012, 22:27 · Автор: hakunin
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 Age of Kings
  • Imperial

Дата: 04 сентября 2016, 05:48


Жанр: - стратегия в реальном времени.
Дата выпуска: - 7 сентября 1999 года (HD-версия - 10 апреля 2013 года).
Разработчик: - Ensemble Studios (HD-версия - Hidden Path Entertainment).
Издатель: - Microsoft.

Системные требования:
Операционка: - Windows XP и старше.
Процессор: - 1,2 ГГц.
Память: - 1 Гб.
Видеокарта: - поддерживающая Direct X 9.0c.
Жесткий диск: - 2 Гб.

Age of Empires ІІ - классическая стратегия, охватывающая большой исторический промежуток становления крупнейших цивилизаций мира. Персы, Франки, Турки, Японцы и Китай... Великие победы и великие поражения. Могущественные цивилизации ведут непримиримую борьбу на суше и на море…

Действия игры разворачиваются во времена раннего средневековья. Чингисхан, Жанна д’Арк, Фридрих Барбаросса – это далеко не весь список легендарных исторических личностей, с которыми Вам придется встретиться. Столетняя война и великие походы монгольских орд, падения и взлеты империй – все это Вы найдете в популярнейшей стратегии в реальном времени Age of Empires.

Age of Empires II HD Edition - это современное переиздание культовой серии исторических стратегий реального времени, которая появилась на свет в далеком 1999 году. В новом издании игры доступны все задания как оригинальной Age of Kings, так и ее популярного дополнения Conquerors позволяя игроку выбрать среди 18 цивилизаций встряхивавших мир на протяжении всей его истории. Выступите за великую Жанну д’Арк, жестокого Гунна Атиллу, грозных викингов и ацтеков. Основным новшеством переиздания стала переработка графики под разрешение современных мониторов и добавлен онлайн-режим со всеми его прелестями - достижения, таблицы игроков и облако для хранения данных. Более того, вы можете сами создавать свой собственный контент и делиться им.

Подробно о версиях игры (Раскрыть)

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:Steam: Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь (из России и Белоруссии заходите через VPN!)
:Torrent: Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
    • Imperial

    Дата: 20 декабря 2016, 20:05

    Релизный трейлер Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas
      • Imperial

      Дата: 14 августа 2017, 18:53

      Лучше бы в новых обновлениях добавили больше юнитов, украшений карты, зданий и возможность создавать сценарии на 12 игроков и карту побольше. Эх, я бы развернулся тогда)
        • Imperial

        Дата: 14 августа 2017, 20:40

        В Age of empires я в основном играю за русских.Зачем? Потому что люблю ихние военные юниты.
           Age of Kings
          • Imperial

          Дата: 05 декабря 2017, 04:14

          Вышел патч 5.6.

          Список изменений:


          General Community Bug Fixes:
          Main menu titles no longer disappears after changing languages
          Main menu help text is now displayed correctly
          History screen scroll bars are now aligned correctly
          History screen text is no longer cut off by the scroll bar for some languages
          Credits screen background images now cycle correctly
          Lobby Browser now displays ranked games correctly
          Custom campaigns are now sorted alphabetically in the campaign menu
          NOMODS launch option no longer skips the intro video

          Campaign Improvements:
          Main menu music now correctly fades out when advancing to the campaign menu
          Campaign menu buttons now play the correct audio sfx
          Campaign help text and highlights are now consistent
          El Cid 1 monks should no longer take the players relic
          Francisco de Almeida 1 scout panel text should no longer be cut off
          Holding escape while pressing ok to start a custom campaign should no longer crash
          Editor Improvements:
          Testing a scenario after deleting a garrisoned unit should no longer crash
          Enabling unique player colors is now less confusing
          Changing a player in trigger conditions no longer resets other lists in the trigger
          Changing the players starting age and civilization no longer disables imperial age units
          Scroll bars no longer appear on top of dropdown lists
          Researching any technology while units have modified HP / AP now functions correctly
          Mini-map is no longer cut off by the edge of the screen
          AI tribe names no longer persist in other game modes
          Setting max teams no longer gets incremented by 1 in the lobby
          Setting max teams no longer prevents right click cycling in lobby
          Disabled items now transfer correctly when players change colors in the lobby
          Arrow keys now function correctly on the save menus
          Modifying scenario dependencies should no longer create a corrupted file if it fails

          Gameplay Improvements:
          Treaty games now display a countdown timer
          Treaty countdown timer now displays a warning message
          Treaty 1-minute-left warning sound should now play
          Imperial Skirmisher and Elite Genitour are now available in Imperial Age scenarios
          Huskarls trained from castle and barracks can now be selected together
          Mirror civ option now functions correctly with co-op
          Tech tree hotkey button now functions correctly when pressing escape
          Tech tree tile should no longer crash when drag clicking
          Tech tree embedded techs should no longer have alignment issues
          Tech tree unit names no longer appear to be cut off in Simplified Chinese
          Same units created from different buildings can now be grouped correctly
          Idle AI monks should now attempt to retrieve relics
          Neutral and enemy stance descriptions are no longer cut off
          Market buttons should now be easier to read
          Terrain sound effects should now play correctly
          Recorded game UI button help text is now displayed correctly
          Post-game research percentage should now be more accurate
          Post-game mvp ribbons should now display correctly for each team
          Post-game co-op scores should now display correctly
          Data restrictions now fixed for Water Nomad, Sandbank and Pacific Islands

          Mod Manager Improvements:
          Buttons will now appear disabled when players have no mods installed
          Mod manger title is no longer cut off
          Lobby Brower filter now enables searching for modded datasets
          Modded datasets now use the cog icon in all drop downs
          Updating your published mods now remembers the published description
          Converting an Expansions Scenario to Base no longer hides units incorrectly
            • Imperial

            Дата: 06 декабря 2017, 10:41

            Age of Kings
            А можно на русском и более значимое? Ну или кратко.
               Age of Kings
              • Imperial

              Дата: 06 декабря 2017, 12:35

              v1er, вкратце: пофиксены мелкие баги в главном меню и более серьезные в редакторе (в т.ч. противный баг, сохраняющий пользовательские названия ИИ и в других режимах игры), введен таймер при игры с режимом перемирия, можно вместе выделять хускарлов, обученных и в замке, и в казарме, монахи ИИ должны теперь активнее искать реликвии.
                 Age of Kings
                • Imperial

                Дата: 21 декабря 2017, 07:02

                Начинается открытое бета-тестирование патча 5.7.

                Список рассматриваемых изменений:


                General Community Bug Fixes:

                Advancing through replay chapters should no longer cause a desync
                Visibility settings should no longer cause a desync
                Pressing escape/enter in the lobby password text field should now function correctly
                Co-op teams should now display correctly in game and on the post-game screens
                Co-op players should be able to ready correctly on the first try
                Restore game and save lists should now correctly show DLC requirement icons
                Audio taunts setting now saves to the players profile correctly
                Some localized text clipping issues were addressed

                Lobby Improvements:

                Players should no longer be able to join fake lobbies
                Players should now correctly time out if attempting to join an invalid lobby
                Players should no longer crash when excepting an invite from a custom campaign
                Players should now correctly cancel joining a lobby even when selected quickly
                Lobby should no longer crash when kicking players who are in the Tech Tree
                Lobby settings should now remember the team random option
                Lobby settings should no longer appear blank after disabling DLCs
                Lobby names should now scale in font size based on title length
                Lobby button sound effects should now play when changing names
                Lobby reset button now has a sound effect when pressed
                Lobby data set icon should now maintain the correct icon on subsequent loads
                Lobby browser custom scenario setting has been added to the game type filter
                Lobby browser location setting now has the any option at the top
                Lobby browser location setting should no longer appear blank after selecting reset
                Lobby browser standard victory filter should now function correctly

                Gameplay Improvements:

                Starting a game with mods should no longer encounter a rare crash
                Under attack text notifications now play a chat sound
                Villagers should now lure animals to the town center more frequently
                Trade carts should no longer lose their gold when pressing the stop hotkey
                Lock teams should now disable tributing to enemy player in single player
                Garrison unit UI button should now be the correct size
                Treaty warnings should now be displayed when building inappropriately
                Tech tree should now close correctly after opening it with F2
                Campaign objective window tabs are no longer too low
                Campaign intro slides audio no longer becomes misaligned when using alt tab
                Campaign Honfoglalas now has the correctly objectives
                Campaign Dos Pilas no longer has a gate that disappears after the first objective
                Campaign Dracula 4 and 5 now have correct enemy player colours
                Campaign Bapheus no longer triggers diplomacy after killing Bey Metin

                Balance Improvements:

                Condottiero now have unique armor class (only resisting bonus damage from gunpowder units, not from other anti-infantry attacks)
                Condottiero -1 pierce armor (from 1 to 0)
                Condottiero -1 attack (from 10 to 9)
                Elite Battle Elephant cost increased from 800f 500g to 1200f 900g
                Elite Battle Elephant research time increased from 80s to 100s
                Malay Battle elephants 30% cheaper (rather than 25%)
                Elite Karambit -1 attack (from 8 to 7)
                (Elite) Battle Elephant blast radius -0.1 (from 0.5 to 0.4)
                (Elite) Camel Archer -5 HP (from 60/65 to 55/60 without Bloodlines)
                (Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs Camels (from 2 to 0)
                (Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)
                (Elite) Camel Archers -2 attack vs Rams (from 2 to 0)
                Ethiopians lose the free Halberdier upgrade
                Howdah cost +200f (from 200f 300w to 400f 300w)
                Howdah effect reduced from +1/+2 armor to +1/+1 armor
                Arquebus increases projectile speed of Bombard Cannons and Bombard towers by +0.2 (from 0 to 0.2, used to be 0.5 prior to patch 5.2)
                Organ Gun +1 spread damage (from 1 to 2)
                (Elite) Arambai -0.05 speed (from 1.35 to 1.3)
                (Elite) Arambai -1 attack
                Elite Arambai -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)
                Slavs farm bonus now properly works after researching Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart
                Chatras effect increased from +30 HP to +50 HP
                Eagle Warrior training time +3s (from 32s to 35s)
                Eagle Warrior -0.05 speed (from 1.2 to 1.15)
                Anti-camel bonus increased for all anti-cavalry units (except camels)
                Malians lose free Gold Shaft Mining

                Вкратце: фиксы в сетевой игре, уменьшена вероятность вылета при подключении модов, улучшена работа крестьян-скотоводов и славянских фермеров, мелкие фиксы в нескольких битвах завоевателей и двух последних миссиях кампании Дракулы (у кого есть DLC "The Forgotten"), кондотьер ослаблен в атаке, но получил индивидуальную защиту, слоны теперь дороже, чуть понерфили верблюдов и воинов-орлов и усилили арту, эфиопы больше не обновляются до алебардщиков бесплатно, а малийцы бесплатно не получают бонусы на золотодобычу.
                   Age of Kings
                  • Imperial

                  Дата: 25 января 2018, 13:58

                  Патч 5.7. вышел.

                  Список изменений:


                  General Community Bug Fixes:

                  Addressed a desync found when file transferring custom maps
                  Advancing through replay chapters should no longer cause a desync
                  Visibility settings should no longer cause a desync
                  Pressing escape/enter in the lobby password text field should now function correctly
                  Co-op teams should now display correctly in game and on the post-game screens
                  Co-op players should be able to ready correctly on the first try
                  Restore game and save lists should now correctly show DLC requirement icons
                  Audio taunts setting now saves to the players profile correctly
                  Some localized text clipping issues were addressed

                  Lobby Improvements:

                  Players should no longer be able to join fake lobbies
                  Players should now correctly time out if attempting to join an invalid lobby
                  Players should no longer crash when excepting an invite from a custom campaign
                  Players should now correctly cancel joining a lobby even when selected quickly
                  Lobby should no longer crash when kicking players who are in the Tech Tree
                  Lobby settings should now remember the team random option
                  Lobby settings should no longer appear blank after disabling DLCs
                  Lobby names should now scale in font size based on title length
                  Lobby button sound effects should now play when changing names
                  Lobby reset button now has a sound effect when pressed
                  Lobby data set icon should now maintain the correct icon on subsequent loads
                  Lobby browser custom scenario setting has been added to the game type filter
                  Lobby browser location setting now has the any option at the top
                  Lobby browser location setting should no longer appear blank after selecting reset
                  Lobby browser standard victory filter should now function correctly

                  Gameplay Improvements:

                  Starting a game with mods should no longer encounter a rare crash
                  Under attack text notifications now play a chat sound
                  Villagers should now lure animals to the town center more frequently
                  Trade carts should no longer lose their gold when pressing the stop hotkey
                  Lock teams should now disable tributing to enemy player in single player
                  Garrison unit UI button should now be the correct size
                  Treaty warnings should now be displayed when building inappropriately
                  Tech tree should now close correctly after opening it with F2
                  Campaign objective window tabs are no longer too low
                  Campaign intro slides audio no longer becomes misaligned when using alt tab
                  Campaign Honfoglalas now has the correctly objectives
                  Campaign Dos Pilas no longer has a gate that disappears after the first objective
                  Campaign Dracula 4 and 5 now have correct enemy player colours
                  Campaign Bapheus no longer triggers diplomacy after killing Bey Metin

                  Balance Improvements:

                  Condottiero now have unique armor class (only resisting bonus damage from gunpowder units, not from other anti-infantry attacks)
                  Condottiero -1 pierce armor (from 1 to 0)
                  Condottiero -1 attack (from 10 to 9)
                  Elite Battle Elephant cost increased from 800f 500g to 1200f 900g
                  Elite Battle Elephant research time increased from 80s to 100s
                  Malay Battle elephants 30% cheaper (rather than 25%)
                  Elite Karambit -1 attack (from 8 to 7)
                  (Elite) Battle Elephant blast radius -0.1 (from 0.5 to 0.4)
                  (Elite) Camel Archer -5 HP (from 60/65 to 55/60 without Bloodlines)
                  (Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs Camels (from 2 to 0)
                  (Elite) Camel Archers -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)
                  (Elite) Camel Archers -2 attack vs Rams (from 2 to 0)
                  Ethiopians lose the free Halberdier upgrade
                  Howdah cost +200f (from 200f 300w to 400f 300w)
                  Howdah effect reduced from +1/+2 armor to +1/+1 armor
                  Arquebus increases projectile speed of Bombard Cannons and Bombard towers by +0.2 (from 0 to 0.2, used to be 0.5 prior to patch 5.2)
                  Organ Gun +1 spread damage (from 1 to 2)
                  (Elite) Arambai -0.05 speed (from 1.35 to 1.3)
                  (Elite) Arambai -1 attack
                  Elite Arambai -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 2 to 0)
                  Slavs farm bonus now properly works after researching Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart
                  Chatras effect increased from +30 HP to +50 HP
                  Eagle Warrior training time +3s (from 32s to 35s)
                  Eagle Warrior -0.05 speed (from 1.2 to 1.15)
                  Anti-camel bonus increased for all anti-cavalry units (except camels)
                  Malians lose free Gold Shaft Mining
                     Age of Kings
                    • Imperial

                    Дата: 21 февраля 2018, 12:49

                    К релизу Age of Empires: Definitive Edition - Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь в Стиме, заменяющий оригинальный саундтрек Age of Empires II на саундтрек новой игры (являющийся переработкой саунда оригинальной Age of Empires).
                       Age of Kings
                      • Imperial

                      Дата: 09 марта 2018, 05:49

                      Стим утром чего-то докачал на 3,1 Мб. :038:
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