На сегодня представляю очередную подборку сводных таблиц американского художника Steve Freeman, посвящённых современным атомным (SSN-class) и дизельным (SS-class) субмаринам разных стран мира:
Часть вторая книги The World's Greatest Battleships: An Illustrated History.
Первая часть здесь https://imtw.ru/inde...dpost&p=2108206
Флот Франции:
British Battleship vs German Battleship (Раскрыть)
7. HMS Duke of York at the Battle of
North Cape, 26 December 1943.
Having detected Scharnhorst by
radar, Admiral Fraser’s flagship
Duke of York closed the range. At
1647hrs, a starshell illuminated the
target, and four minutes later, the
British battleship fired her first
salvo, at a range of just 6 miles.
Scharnhorst was hit, and further
shells struck the German battleship
as she turned away. Scharnhorst
began firing back, and her third
salvo straddled the Duke of York, as
their target was illuminated by
starshells. The advantage, though,
lay with the British, as thanks to
the dark night, rough seas and poor
visibility, the German gunners had
problems ranging in on their target.
By contrast, Duke of York’s gunners
could rely on their fire control radar
to accurately target their German
opponent. After an uneven duel
lasting some three hours,
Scharnhorst was battered into
submission, and then finished off
with torpedoes.