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Greeks at War: Hellenika

Тотальный мод на WoS
Тема создана: 24 апреля 2015, 19:22 · Автор: Савромат
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  • Imperial

Дата: 24 апреля 2015, 19:22

На Тоталваркоме и ТВЦ уже довольно давно пропагандируется новый мод на "Ярости Спарты" - overhaul, т.е. капитальная перестройка игры, создаваемый греческими мододелами Phalangites и нашим знакомым Morfeasnikos, участником нашего форума

Greeks at War: Ambitious Wrath of Sparta Overhaul

Представляю превью мода вниманию форумчан Империала.


Это амбициозный проект, базирующийся на прежних разработках авторов - Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь и Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь и полный разных новаций и интересных разработок, в том числе призванных моделировать существовавшую в Элладе систему набора войск в зависимости от политического режима (демократии или олигархии) и т.д.

Кроме двух указанных авторов в моде участвуют Toon Total War, Blondie and JJpower24, Linke, Tenerife_boy and ΑΝΑ

Юниты: Каждый греческий город получит свою уникальную линейку войск с отличительными эмблемами на щитах, соответствующими истории.

Новая система экспансионистской дипломатии: Вместо Империя! Каждый регион будет иметь определенное количество очков штрафа за захват (разное), и штраф к дипотношениям будет прямо зависеть от того сколько и чего вы назахватывали. К тому же определенные территории будет тяготеть к демократии, другие - к аристократии или олигархии, и если вы за Спарту будете проводить демократическую политику (то есть строить здания присущие демократии) - то ваши аристократические союзники не будут счастливы.

Новая система рекрутского пула: это они у меня взяли. Каждый город будет иметь с самого старта пул готовых к бою воинов, соответствующий реальной истории (напр. Афины - 24 000 гоплитов-граждан). Этих граждан можно призвать за 1 ход, но это будут уникальные отряды которых нельзя набрать снова. Потеряли их в бою - вам придется набирать новые отряды из необученных и неготовых к войне граждан или метеков, а это долго, дорого и сложно - чем больше город тем быстрее он наберет новые войска. Пополнение игроку тоже отключено. Чтобы пополнить свои поредевшие полки вам придется набрать новые и из них уже методом соединения пополнять вручную потрепанные ветеранские. Разбавив их ветеранов сырыми новобранцами.

Персидский фактор: в истории Персия стремилась поддерживать баланс сил в Греции помогая слабым и ослабляя сильных. В моде персидская помощь будет реализована в виде скидок на создание и содержание флота, тем больших, чем слабее город. Лидеру персы помогать не будут.

Персидские бессмертные

Новая система агентов: функции агентов переделаны. Напр., воители будут единственными, кто сможет убивать других агентов. Но они перестанут магическим способом наносить урон целой армии и т.д.

Спартанские офицеры - эномотархи и пентиконтархи

Мод вышел под именем ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ (Hellenika).

Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь

Мод работает только на 17м патче!
Комментарий Савромата:
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    • Imperial

    Дата: 10 февраля 2021, 23:43

      • Imperial

      Дата: 24 апреля 2015, 23:58

      Thank you!
        • Imperial

        Дата: 27 апреля 2015, 10:10

        Sorry that the preview is not in Russian. The google translate is very bad.
        Извините, что предварительный просмотр не на русском языке.Google Translate это очень плохо.
        Game play Manual Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь

        Achaemenid Persia



        In Greeks at War you will play as the satrap (governor) of Sardis/Sparda, Pissuthnes.

        Overview: The Persian empire in the Peleponnesian war.
        After the failed invasions of Greece by Persia the Persians continued to have a hand in greek politics, this time in the shadows with gold. The most important man in Asia minor was the Persian satrap of Lydia with his capital at Sardis. This satrapy was one of the most important in the empire, having previously been the centre of the Lydian empire it continued to be an important region. From his satrapal capital at Sardis the satrap of Lydia collected taxes and mustuered soldiers.
        Sardis was full with Greek friends of the satrap, both a garrison of Persians and Greek merceneries, a tresuary, a large garden (Paradiasoi) to hunt wild animals in and much more. It could easily have appeared to be the bustling capital of a thriving kingdom and not a province on the outer fringes of an empire.

        In the north of Sardis was the smaller satrapy of Hellespontine Phrygia with it's center at Daskyleion. This satrapy would have been like it's southern neighbour but at a smaller scale. With a Persian garrison, tresuary and garden at Daskileion. The Persian homeland was far away, to keep control of these far away satrapies the satraps were given control of Persian troops at their capital, there were also other Persian garrisons throughout the satrapies.
        The old peoples retained their culture and way of war and were a large part of the satrapal armies. Phrygians,Lydians,Ionians and other would have thought alongside the Persians as vassals. Except demanding taxes and Troops they were seldom forced to do more by the Persians who were tolerant imperialists, alllowing subject peoples to live like they had before with their own culture.
        However the satraps weren't kings, their tasks were more like those of a subject, collect taxes, defend the land. And the Persian king had a large number of both royal officials and spies (his eyes and ears) in the satrapies to prevent the otherwise likely revolts.

        In the Peleponnesian war the Persians funded the Peleponnesian leauge against the Athenian Delian Empire, this was amongst other reasons becuase the Athenian domination of Ionia, a region the Persians considered to be under their area of influence. However there were other motives, a disunited Greece was less of a threat to Persia, you could win friends amongst the victors in the war, and also the Persian king could play the satraps againt each other preventing one from becoming to powerful, he had the satrap of Lydia fund the allies while Daskileyon funded the Athenians (initialy), this way they were more unlikely to unite against the far away king.

        The campaign:

        The army of the satraps (Important part of gameplay, read this)

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        Persian gold, the empire's second defense.
        [/spoiler]The satrapal army was deliberately keept week so despite the satrap being very wealthy he wasn't allowed to have that many troops by the king. But this wealth could be used to defend his satrapy better than any army. If an army invaded the satrapy they could often be payed of, or their neighbours could be payed to attack their homeland meaning the invaders had to leave Persia. The satraps aso sometimes payed of invaders to attack the neighbouring satrapies.
        For example when the Spartan king Agesilaus II had to end his Persian campaign becuase Sparta's allies had revolted (funded by the satrapal gold) he remarked: "I have been driven out of Persia by ten thousand archers (Archers being a nickname to Persian coins otherwise known as darics.[/spoiler]

        Persian Units in game:

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        Part two: the satrapal levies

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        Credits/Creators of content

        This preview was made for you by Linke, responsible for Persia in Greeks at War. But he has received help from many others:

        Age of Bronze mod for the swords and helmets of the Kilikians.
        Kuauik and Ahiga and also Avetis for some cuirasses, most headgear and the Spara's
        JJpower24 for some armors and the Lydian shields
        Mausolos of Caria, Tenerife_boy and Linke for historical research
        Grudge NL for the basis of the UI (heavily edited though)
           Sergey Bondarenko
          • Imperial

          Дата: 27 апреля 2015, 13:02

          Савромат, спасибо за превью. одна из важных фишек Вашего мода (ограниченный набор элитных отрядов для каждого полиса) на Wrath of Sparta есть в этом. насколько я понял, они также повысят маневренность флота. как выход этого мода повлияет на Ваш? вы будете его доделывать или дождетесь этого мода?


          Спартанские офицеры - эномотархи и пентиконтархи

          два офицера :012: разве это возможно?
          или один видимо заменяет "знаменосца"

          morfeasnikos, amazing units, as usual :)
          long awaited and historically correct mod - it's really GREAT!
          I hope it would released, not continue to be WIP :0142:
          Many thanks for your work! :062:
            • Imperial

            Дата: 27 апреля 2015, 13:39

            Sergey Bondarenko
            У нас разная концепция, хотя некоторые фишки общие. На подготовку моего мода намного больше влияет Аттила - чем любые другие моды. Я желаю Phalangit-у всяких успехов т.к. он очень большой выдумщик и придумал много новых фич - на пользу всем :006:
              • Imperial

              Дата: 06 мая 2015, 12:41

              @Sergey Bondarenko
              Thank you! We want to release it! The team has grow up and the work is faster!
                • Imperial

                Дата: 06 мая 2015, 13:14

                Sparta preview


                Ἀγετ’, ὦ Σπάρτας εὐάνδρω
                κῶροι πατέρων πολιατᾶν
                λαιὰ μὲν ἴτυν προβάλεσθε,
                δόρυ δ’ εὐτόλμως ἄνχεσθε,
                μὴ φειδομένοι τᾶς ζωᾶς.
                Οὐ γὰρ πάτριόν τα Σπάρτα!

                Вперед, мужи Спарты
                Сыновья славных отцов
                Держа щит в левой руке
                Сжимая копье в правой
                Не страшась за свою жизнь
                Потому что страх не подходит для Спарты!!

                Please if you have time read the text info bellow for a more enjoyable and understandable preview.

                Рождение Спарты как города-государства
                The legendary city state of Sparta or Lacedaimonion Politeia.
                Sparta, in the form that is popularly known, was created when Dorian invaders finally manage to settle down to Laconia at 8th century. Dorians found fierce resistance from the local population (Achaeans and Leleges). Some of them have being conquered by the Dorians, creating the social class of Eilotes or slaves. But others resist all the Dorian attacks and it seems that a reconciliation should be made or the fighting will last forever. Finally this reconcilliation made between Dorian invaders and the local unconquered Achaeans, to live together in Laconia. From this reconciliation between Dorian invaders and local Achaen aristocracy born the famous homoioi the highest class of the Spartan society. The two kings of Sparta represent just that. Agiads represent the Achaean race and the Eyripontids the Dorian one. Unshakeable proof to that can be found on Herodotus. When the Agiad king Cleomenes Ά invade Attica to help Cleisthenes against Peisistratids, he walk to the sanctuary of the temple of Athena and the priestess prevent him to walk further saying “No Dorian is allowed to walk here” and Cleomenes answered “Woman I am not Dorian. I am an Achaean!” The third basic class in Spartan society was the Periocoi. This class created by local Achaeans who accepted peacefully the invaders as overlords and from other Dorians who settle to Sparta after the reconciliation been made. Some others minor social classes existed but we will talk about them later among with the units.

                Спартанская армия
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                Общественные классы и армия
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                Организация и униформа
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                Epilectoi Strategou
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                Spartiatai Hippeis Hoplitai

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                Now the social class of Homoioi represented by the Spartan Mores. Every mora has a cap of 4 in order to reach their historical number of men in game.
                Mora Spartes

                Mora of Sparta's unique shield emblem (or episemon), was the gorgoneio of chalkioikou Athenas an emblem that strikes inflicts great terror at the hearts of the enemies.
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                Mora Amyclon

                Amyclon mora's shield emblem was the rooster in attack stance. This mora is dedicated to the Karneios Appolo as his temple was in the town of Amycles.​
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                Mora Geronthron

                Mora Geronthron's emblem was the scorpion. Pausanias said that in Geronthra(todays Geraki Lakonias) was built a temple of Ares. Scorpion was a symbol af Ares and a very common fighting insects common in Laconia.
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                Mora Elous

                In Elos, existed a sanctuary of Persephone where Zeus seduce Demeter ,according to the myth, in bull's form(like in the myth of Europe) and from this union Persephone was born. That's why the bull was the episemon(shield emblem) of the mora recruiting in Elos.
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                Mora Limnatidos

                At borders of Laconia-Messenia in the area called Limnai existed, according to Pausanias, a sanctuary of Artemis Limnatidos. In the temple has been discovered various representation of the godess with wild gooses. So the emblem of Limnatidos Mora was the goose with the head looking back, as an indication of vigilance.
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                Mora Pylou

                Mora of Pylos emblem was the leopard connected to Dionysus and its roots goes back to the bronze age.
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                Mora Stenyclarou

                The boar was used as shield emblem by the Mora of Stenyclaros.
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                The preview continues with the social class of Periokoi.


                Skiritis was a mountainous region in south Arcadia whose people accept the Spartan authority and receive the title of Periokos. Their bonds with the Spartans were very strong and therefore Skiritis provides some of the best men a Spartan general can find. They fought eithet as hoplites or as scouts in front of the army clearing the way for the king. Only Skiritai allowed to march in front of the king. Their emblem was the hawk. The units:
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                Periokoi Hoplitai

                Periokoi, as we said above, along with the Homoioi serve as heavy hoplites and bear the fearsome name Lacedaimonioi. Although the Λ symbol was first seen in Brasidas neodamodeis in 424, we decide to use it to the periokoi because it became rapidly popular among Spartans not too the Homoioi but after the destruction of the moras at the battle of Leuctra even homoioi used it.
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                Now the minor classes of Neodamodeis and Apeleutheroi


                Neodamodeis, as their name means, were new citizens with, in most cases, full political rights. This class made up from ex-helots or foreigners who did great services to the city and the Spartans reward them with land and political rights. The most famous of them were the hoplites of Brasidas who after their return to Sparta receive land and full political rights. The used first the famous Λ emblem on their shields at 424.
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                Apeleutheroi Hoplitai

                Когда это было необходимо, спартанцы освобождали рабов чтобы они служили в армии в качестве легких гоплитов.Apeleutheroi - освобожденные рабы, термин знакомый тем кто играл в Европу Барбарорум.
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                The last social class is the class of Eilotes(helots)

                Илоты служили гражданам и периокам перенося их оружие и припасы и сражаясь в бою в качестве легкой пехоты.
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                On the Army's organization i explained how the army was divided and the commanding officers. I represent the Spartan military system with various ways(lateral crest and shields from heroic families). So inside the homoioi(mores) and periocoi units i gave to some men special helms and shields to represent them beside the normal officer of the unit who now is the famous lochagos. Lets start...

                (as we said he is the commander of the 1/4 of the mora)
                Coming soon


                (This one is the commander of about 50(the numbers varied from time to time) men. Although i did the maths correct to give only 3 of those inside the mora's regiments, I reallize that CA gave a bit of radomness in the variantmeshes system so you will find about 3(2-4) of them in every mora regiment representing the Penthcontarch (corinthian helm with black face and lateral crest).
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                Again the same as the penthcontarch, he is an inside unit, low ranking officer who commands 10-20 men. You will find (due to randomness i told you) about 15 of them in a unit. Because enomotia was the most basic fighting unit of the Spartan army, so the enomotarch the most basic officer, i gave him open eared corinthian helmets because he should have a better situation awarness to understand the orders and pass them to his men.
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                Spartan Navy

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                Spartiatai Epilectoi Epivatai (general's unit)

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                Spartan Admirals
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                Various Screenshots

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                Graphics Team
                M@x1mus - Variantmeshes/Texturing
                Morpheasnikos - Shield Texturing
                JJpower - Texturing

                Without help from our friends bellow, the above result will not be existed. So a huge thanks to:
                Demokritos for his permission to import his ACR in GaW You can find his great mod here:
                Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
                TWHellas team and Koultouras for letting as use assets of theirs great mod(Koultouras thanks a lot my friend) Link of TWHmod: Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь!
                Our friend Buio666 for his stunning new models and skins. His work:
                Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь)
                Aguirre for his guidance to me, and his Boeotian models and skins of his beautiful TABU mod. Link:
                Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
                Decoco for his brand new gorgeous corinthian and chalkidian helmets. His work:
                Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
                The Germans are coming for tones of new textures free to all! Check this out:
                Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь!
                Last but not least to Meneros for his spartan cloak and an awesome linothorax used on Athenians.

                We all thank you for your contribution in Greeks at War!

                  • Imperial

                  Дата: 06 мая 2015, 13:48


                  Персидские спарабара - лучшие из всех которые были сделаны когда-либо в серии Тотал Вар. Настоящие спарабара - с большими ростовыми плетеными щитами:
                  Первый раз я вижу мод в котором точно воспроизвели этих воинов. Хотя они - анахронизм, их бы в мод Idreaus про Кира Великого - к моменту Пелопонеской войны персы уже провели реформы и воевали такабара, колесницами и наемниками. И все-таки не могу не отметить этот прекрасный юнит. :006:
                    • Imperial

                    Дата: 16 мая 2015, 20:17

                    Очень жду этот мод)
                      • Imperial

                      Дата: 16 мая 2015, 21:36


                      По информации на Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь 13 мая мод вышел в стадию внутреннего бета-теста, так что скоро, я думаю, можно ждать релиза.
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