Описание мода:
Fiefs of Gondor - саб-мод к моду Rise of Mordor, основные изменения касаются изменения/дополнения ростера юнитов фракции Гондор.
Ростер поделен на суб-фракции:
Pinnath Gelin (Green Unit Cards)
- Pinnath Gelin Knights (Spear, Sword, Cav)
- Pinnath Gelin Foot Soldiers (Spear, Sword)
- Pinnath Gelin Green Hill Farmers (Levies) (Spear, Sword)
- Pinnath Gelin Archers
- Hirluin the Fair (General)
Lamedon (Blue Unit Cards)
- Lameon Knights (Spear, Sword, Cav)
- Lamedon Men at Arms (Spear, Sword)
- Lamedon Levies (Spear, Sword)
- Lamedon Archers
- Lamedon Clansmen (Axe)
- Angbor the Fearless (General)
Lossarnach (Black Unit Cards)
- Two Handed Axemen (Heavy, Medium)
- Axe and Shield (Heavy, Medium, Light)
- Forlong the Old (General)
Ringló Vale (Brown Unit Cards)
- Ringlo Vale Knights (Spear, Sword, Cav)
- Ringlo Vale Men at Arms (Spear, Sword)
- Ringlo Vale Archers
- Ringlo Vale Levies (Spear, Sword)
Blackroot Vale (Grey Unit Cards)
- Blackroot Vale Marksmen (Archer)
- Blackroot Vale Foot Soldiers (Spear, Sword)
- Blackroot Vale Levies (Spear, Sword)
- Duinhir (General)
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