Europa Barbarorum 2.1b

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Список изменений в версии Europa Barbarorum 2.01 (Раскрыть)
Changed the way the game starts on non-Steam installs, it no longer overwrites the configuration file.
Added text files to avoid the common strings issues.
Updated to use GRANTO's campaign AI v2
Unavoidable crash in turn 302 fixed (KH was missing a historic event description).
Adjustment of battle speeds.
Fix for Saka Silver Surfer general & captain
Fixed Hayasdan reform script error
Added/Fixed pix for 5 provinces
Fixed several Wonders/Specials (Barb & Indian) to include adding pix and fixing text
Added additional portraits for Indian civilians
Fixed Mauryan independence affecting AI
Added/removed "mixed" HR to allow camp conversions (northern Iberia) and prevent them (interior of North Africa and Baltic regions)
Reduced the effect of corruption. It is still a noticeable drain for very large factions, but most cities should now produce a surplus after upgrading law (but maybe not in practice, with the garrisons required to hold them).
Revised map to fix bug (eliminates two landbridges) and move Korinth to maintain troop access between Athens/Sparte
Fixed a number of "medievalisms" and typos in the main menu screens.
Add CTD warnings to the two Tutorial campaigns
Added pix for Province #106 (Pontos Paralios)
Added Hellenistic Metropolis to Syrakousai
Inserted text on use of images in EB2 (section XI)
Overhauled the religion-based portraits in cul_4, cul_5, and cul_7 to eliminate both known and potential problems (retained the unique looks for each culture and religion)
Updated traits and command stars for the Boii general in an attempt to increase difficulty (Battle of Sentinum).
Changed command stars for the generals in hopes of raising the difficulty (Battle of Sentinum).
Fixed the Phrygia-Kappadokia-Kilikia borders. Presence of PSF prevents a better appearance to the borders, but continuity between Seleukid provinces now exists.
Disabled cutscenes for gate opening, general dying etc.
Added missing music pieces from TPC. Not integrated yet.
Grammar in some temple descriptions
Cleaned up the Roman gentilical trait descriptions...
Fixed the Getic archer with the over-high attack. In the hope it doesn't get overwritten again.
Religion tweaks for settled Arab provinces
Making the Sabaean General and Nobles the same armourwise, as they share models
Unique buildings hinterland fix
Added an alpha channel on the military occupation icons for Gandhara, Hayasdan, Pontos, Numidia.
Increased the defense of the Sabaean nobles
Various typos reported by Auxor
Reduced the max number of samnites spearmen from 21 to the usual 2 on the oligtwo government.
Removed a couple of Romani spelling errors.
Lowered the velocities of the javelins, pila, and soliferra.
Only Numidians and Nabataeans recieve religion boni from nomadic farms
Fixed Persepolis Wonder bug (in two cities), fixed two Pergamon temple probs (Dionysios text in Athena, no Farming Temple text)
Fixed issue with having HA recruitable in South Arabia. -Moros
Removed the mention of cannons for naval bonus.
Fixed all the short javelin ranges found for infantry
Removed all mentions of Casse in visible building text
Swapped the skill traits for the starting KH diplomat and spy, they were switched around.
Corrected a site => sight.
Changes to unit stats related to stat_heat, as well as fatigue and morale tweaks
Fixed alignment issue with loading screen
Battle of Gaza added
Improvement of missile troops to make them more reliably fire their weapons
Changes to cavalry stats
Added portraits for the cul_4, cul_5, and cul_7 Rebels (all were showing up as Greeks)
Arrow towers now work in siege battles
Deleted duplicate text in the Makedonian faction description.
Small pontos reform fix
Added/Fixed pix for 2 provinces and a Wonder.
Fixed the spear attribute
Fixed wrong filename for one file reference in descr_skeleton
KH diplomats are now available in the most governments
KH congress building can now be built
KH congress messages will no longer show up for other factions
Added text files to avoid the common strings issues.
Updated to use GRANTO's campaign AI v2
Unavoidable crash in turn 302 fixed (KH was missing a historic event description).
Adjustment of battle speeds.
Fix for Saka Silver Surfer general & captain
Fixed Hayasdan reform script error
Added/Fixed pix for 5 provinces
Fixed several Wonders/Specials (Barb & Indian) to include adding pix and fixing text
Added additional portraits for Indian civilians
Fixed Mauryan independence affecting AI
Added/removed "mixed" HR to allow camp conversions (northern Iberia) and prevent them (interior of North Africa and Baltic regions)
Reduced the effect of corruption. It is still a noticeable drain for very large factions, but most cities should now produce a surplus after upgrading law (but maybe not in practice, with the garrisons required to hold them).
Revised map to fix bug (eliminates two landbridges) and move Korinth to maintain troop access between Athens/Sparte
Fixed a number of "medievalisms" and typos in the main menu screens.
Add CTD warnings to the two Tutorial campaigns
Added pix for Province #106 (Pontos Paralios)
Added Hellenistic Metropolis to Syrakousai
Inserted text on use of images in EB2 (section XI)
Overhauled the religion-based portraits in cul_4, cul_5, and cul_7 to eliminate both known and potential problems (retained the unique looks for each culture and religion)
Updated traits and command stars for the Boii general in an attempt to increase difficulty (Battle of Sentinum).
Changed command stars for the generals in hopes of raising the difficulty (Battle of Sentinum).
Fixed the Phrygia-Kappadokia-Kilikia borders. Presence of PSF prevents a better appearance to the borders, but continuity between Seleukid provinces now exists.
Disabled cutscenes for gate opening, general dying etc.
Added missing music pieces from TPC. Not integrated yet.
Grammar in some temple descriptions
Cleaned up the Roman gentilical trait descriptions...
Fixed the Getic archer with the over-high attack. In the hope it doesn't get overwritten again.
Religion tweaks for settled Arab provinces
Making the Sabaean General and Nobles the same armourwise, as they share models
Unique buildings hinterland fix
Added an alpha channel on the military occupation icons for Gandhara, Hayasdan, Pontos, Numidia.
Increased the defense of the Sabaean nobles
Various typos reported by Auxor
Reduced the max number of samnites spearmen from 21 to the usual 2 on the oligtwo government.
Removed a couple of Romani spelling errors.
Lowered the velocities of the javelins, pila, and soliferra.
Only Numidians and Nabataeans recieve religion boni from nomadic farms
Fixed Persepolis Wonder bug (in two cities), fixed two Pergamon temple probs (Dionysios text in Athena, no Farming Temple text)
Fixed issue with having HA recruitable in South Arabia. -Moros
Removed the mention of cannons for naval bonus.
Fixed all the short javelin ranges found for infantry
Removed all mentions of Casse in visible building text
Swapped the skill traits for the starting KH diplomat and spy, they were switched around.
Corrected a site => sight.
Changes to unit stats related to stat_heat, as well as fatigue and morale tweaks
Fixed alignment issue with loading screen
Battle of Gaza added
Improvement of missile troops to make them more reliably fire their weapons
Changes to cavalry stats
Added portraits for the cul_4, cul_5, and cul_7 Rebels (all were showing up as Greeks)
Arrow towers now work in siege battles
Deleted duplicate text in the Makedonian faction description.
Small pontos reform fix
Added/Fixed pix for 2 provinces and a Wonder.
Fixed the spear attribute
Fixed wrong filename for one file reference in descr_skeleton
KH diplomats are now available in the most governments
KH congress building can now be built
KH congress messages will no longer show up for other factions
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2. Запустите файл EBII.exe.
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Примечание: Игра не должна быть установлена в Programm Files
1. Загрузите мод
2. Запустите файл EBII.exe.
3. Укажите путь установки
4. Если вы до этого не запускали ванильную игру, то загрузите кампанию, а затем выйдите из игры.
5. Запустите мод, используя ярлык мода. Начните кампанию, а затем выйдите из игры.
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