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Руссификация Broken Crescent

Работа над переводом мода на русский
Тема создана: 04 июля 2009, 09:51 · Автор: Haktar
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  • Imperial

Дата: 04 июля 2009, 09:51


Скачать русификатор на версию 2.0 - Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь (1.4 MB)

    • Imperial

    Дата: 27 ноября 2009, 20:56

    Ну что ж, недурственно! Интересно почитать про загадочную Макурию.

    Починил стиральную машину и закончил Газневидов:
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    Завтра нарежу новых кусков. Всем успехов!
      • Imperial

      Дата: 28 ноября 2009, 12:58

      2 Всем переводчикам

      Выходим на финишную прямую -- последние 5 кусков(они большие -- в сумме около 20% перевода):

      Наемники разных рас:
      Спойлер (раскрыть)

      Войска Конийского Султаната(турки в Малой Азии) и Омана:
      Спойлер (раскрыть)
        • Imperial

        Дата: 28 ноября 2009, 13:36

        (публикую в разных постах потому, что есть ограничение на 50000 знаков)

        Наемники АОР часть 1:
        Спойлер (раскрыть)

        to be continued...

        Сообщение автоматически склеено в 1259404769

        (публикую в разных постах потому, что есть ограничение на 50000 знаков)

        Наемники АОР часть 2:
        Спойлер (раскрыть)

        to be continued...

        Сообщение автоматически склеено в 1259404976

        {rajput_axemen_cavalry}Jat Cavalry
        {rajput_axemen_cavalry_descr}?A symbol of sacrifice, bravery, and industry?, thus spoke the God Shiva of the Hindu faith of the Jat peoples in the Sanskrit Hymns known as the Deva Samita. Believed by most to be descendants of the original Indo-Aryan invaders mixed with the later Sakae and Kushans, the Jats have been amongst the oldest of the natives to Sindh. While blood-brothers to the Rajputs, while their brethren hail entirely from the Kshatriya caste, the Jats contain a multitude of Shudra or Vaishya peasants, known for being both hard-working farmers and diligent warriors albeit without the proud origins of Jat or Rajput Kshatriya. Though their ancestrial origin may lie in the lands of the Oxus, the colorful story of the Jat people is one well woven into the sands of the Indus, having established themselves from the mouth of that mighty river to Purushapura in the northwest since ancient times. From this nurturing womb have they spread into Northern and Central India, the fall of their Kushan ancestors allowing countless Jat kingdoms to rise from their ashes. Though strongest in the realm between Multan and Makran, amongst the darkness engulfing the subcontinent after the Kushan empire fractured and the Gupta?s centuries later the Jat Kingdoms dotted the land as numerously as the stars above, reaching from the lower Sindh to Rajasthan and beyond. Yet theirs was not a legacy found only in the lands around the Indus, for as Persian and Arab clashed following the death of Muhammad, Jats were found in the ranks of the Sassanids, becoming amongst the first of the people of India to take to the new faith of Islam upon capture by the Arabs. The Near East over had respect for the industrious nature and sturdy constitution of these Jats, the conquering Rashidun Caliphate deporting many of Sindh to lands as far afield as Iraq and Antioch to populate lands diminished by the vicious Romano-Persian wars. While not a people wholly of the Kshatriya caste, neither the Kshatriya?s proud martial spirit nor the legendary vigor of the Jats are held only in the highest of caste. Those of the lower middle class, affording a horse but not armor, are more than eager to participate in battle. Wielding the large nachakh cavalry-axe and small-medium shield, these Jat Horsemen fight in a manner wholly Northern Indian, foreign to nimble lance-armed Arabian or bow-armed Turkish light cavalry. Perhaps it is a style too chivalric, unarmored but for helmet and shield, suited to when one?s foe was a fellow Raj wishing for honorable battle. Nevertheless, theirs is not an anachronism; the need for men of spirit and strength to charge forth and fight in bloody close combat with enemy cavalry a very real need for the Maliks of Sindh. Martial skill and courage, not wealth, is the source of pride for those of the warrior caste, with these horsemen being light of armor but great of spirit and strength, eager to close in with their foes and do battle with heavy axe. Speed of horse, spirit of Indo-Muslim martial ancestry and strength of muscle are what see these warriors through the day?s battle, and faith in Hinduism or Islam be what see them through the night?s wait for tomorrow?s wars.
        {rajput_axemen_cavalry_descr_short}Light, aggressive cavalry armed with axe and shield, devastating upon equally light foes or when hitting the flanks of heavier enemies.

        {levy_in_axemen}Jat Axemen
        {levy_in_axemen_descr}?A symbol of sacrifice, bravery, and industry?, thus spoke the God Shiva of the Hindu faith of the Jat peoples in the Sanskrit Hymns known as the Deva Samita. Believed by most to be descendants of the original Indo-Aryan invaders mixed with the later Sakae and Kushans, the Jats have been amongst the oldest of the natives to Sindh. While blood-brothers to the Rajputs, while their brethren hail entirely from the Kshatriya caste, the Jats contain a multitude of Shudra or Vaishya peasants, known for being both hard-working farmers and diligent warriors albeit without the proud origins of Jat or Rajput Kshatriya. Though their ancestrial origin may lie in the lands of the Oxus, the colorful story of the Jat people is one well woven into the sands of the Indus, having established themselves from the mouth of that mighty river to Purushapura in the northwest since ancient times. From this nurturing womb have they spread into Northern and Central India, the fall of their Kushan ancestors allowing countless Jat kingdoms to rise from their ashes. Though strongest in the realm between Multan and Makran, amongst the darkness engulfing the subcontinent after the Kushan empire fractured and the Gupta?s centuries later the Jat Kingdoms dotted the land as numerously as the stars above, reaching from the lower Sindh to Rajasthan and beyond. Yet theirs was not a legacy found only in the lands around the Indus, for as Persian and Arab clashed following the death of Muhammad, Jats were found in the ranks of the
          • Imperial

          Дата: 28 ноября 2009, 14:07

          Пробовал в предыдущем посте добавить и Раджпутов -- полный пинцет. Раджпуты начинаются здесь.

          Спойлер (раскрыть)

          ImpКто хочет -- может застолбить куски. Я возьму, то что останется.
             Labi Bust
            • Imperial

            Дата: 29 ноября 2009, 18:44

            Вылаживаю наемников-христиан...
            Спойлер (раскрыть)

            Грузины не за горами...

            Всем удачи!
               Labi Bust
              • Imperial

              Дата: 04 декабря 2009, 01:37

              Вылаживаю грузин...

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              Больше пока ничего брать не буду, а то завалили рефератамы по самое не хочу, наверное, до конця декабря буду разгребать. Когда освобожусь - напишу...
                • Imperial

                Дата: 04 декабря 2009, 16:32

                2 Labi Bust
                Молодчина! Я сам всю неделю живу на паузе -- хочется пару экзаменов автоматом получить, облегчаю себе январскую сессию. Но в воскресенье выберу себе что-нибудь.
                Всем желаю удачи и терпения!
                  • Imperial

                  Дата: 04 декабря 2009, 18:59

                  Вот ещё кусочек.
                  Спойлер (раскрыть)

                  Ничего, что я кусками кидаю?
                  Просто вдруг у меня чего поломается и я пропаду на долго, а так хоть что-то будет. Imp
                    • Imperial

                    Дата: 05 декабря 2009, 17:16

                    2 polecat
                    Все правильно, хорошая работа, камрад! Мне куски вставить недолго.
                      • Imperial

                      Дата: 06 декабря 2009, 17:42

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