Version 1.3
- New portraits
- New ancillaries
- New banner carriers for all house units
- Dozens of hero models
- Dragons added
- New factions
- 5 provincial campaigns added
- New strat map models for each faction
Version 1.5 -
- Smoothed the coasts somewhat..
- Some more new portraits
- Family trees added for the custom campaigns
- Changes made to dragons and their unit cards..
- Age of petty kings recruitment script added..
- Finished the family trees for all campaigns..
- New loading screens and main menu background.
- Unique voices for certain characters in both the main campaign and war of five kings. (Credits to Inarus as I expanded upon his work though credits for the script goes to Withwnar..)
- Added some missing unit pics in the description interface. (not finished yet)
- House Stark will now march south in both the war of the five kings and roberts rebellion.
Version 1.7 -
- Fixed some bugs
-Polished the character traits in Aegons conquest, the dance of dragons and blackfyre rebellion. (Roberts rebellion and war of five kings still needs doing)
- Added House Bolton, Frey and the Wildlings
- Small changes to the map
- House member traits
- Reworked the music, 40 tracks in total
- New Artwork
- Added missing UI for custom battles
- Unique voice for Gendry.
- New ancillaries
- The undead will now invade westeros
- Weakened the undead (not sure if they weakened enough)
-A couple of scripts for house stark in the main campaign
Version 2.0 -
- A new map
- Removed the vanilla religions and added 7 new ones (old gods, the seven, drowned god, valyrian (targaryen), rhllor, freefolk and others 'undead' )
- New custom campaign named 'A Feast for Crows'
- Custom battle maps for Kings landing, Highgarden and Moat Cailin
- Fixed the character strat models that was using reskinned vanilla.
- New character strat model for the nights watch
- 3 new units for Targaryen
- Goldcloak unit cards for Targaryen etc.
- Fixed the silver wildling units
- Finished the missing family trees and extended some.
- New portraits for some leaders for the custom campaign
- Added many nicknames
- 3 turns per year script with random winters lasting several turns.
- Fixed the custom battle water bug, all maps should now work.
- Strat map models for the capitals.
- Main campaign changed to Aegon's conquest
- Essos added
- 7 new factions (Slavers bay, Volantis, Three Daughters, Free Cities, Norvos, Qohor and Dothraki
- New dragon animations and models
- Changes to the dragons unit stats (some dragons are stronger than others)
- 10 new character strat models rigged by myself and Bantu-Chieftan (some may not be featured in this release)
- Show style Golden Company units
- Unit rosters for house dustin, glover and umber.
- New unit roster for the crownlands
- 7 new settlements for westeros (Skagos, Greywater Watch, Castamere, Stokeworth, Hayford, Brindlewood, Kingswood)
- Lords for the new settlements.
- New house buildings for the essos settlements (UI included)
- New ships and unit cards (credits to the WTW 1.0 team)
- Lordship ancillaries for the new settlements
- Religious buildings + building ui for the new relgions
- over 100 new names and surnames
- Fixed silver units (all I think, report any that are still silver)
- Fixed the bolton units with no textures
- Descriptions for the custom campaigns
- Changed the sigil on the arryn banner to that of the show
- Small improvement to all banners
- Fixed greyjoy banner.
- Changed unit sizes
- Conquest script for Aegons conquest (lords bend the knee when you take their holdings, crownlands only)
- The last storm script (give the stormlands to Aegon if Argilac dies, needs more scripts added)
- WO5K euron script (at turn 50 if playing as the greyjoys you can choose to pardon euron..)
- WO5K kingship event (declare yourself king if the conditions are met)
- UI changes
- Hotseats enabled
- New menu layout
- Custom Campaigns added for Hotseats
- 23 new unique battle maps (Acorn Hall, Bloody Gate, Casterly Rock, Castle Black, Dragonstone, Duskendale, Gates of the Moon, Goldengrove, Gulltown, Harrenhall, Highgarden, Longbow Hall, - Oldtown, Riverrun, Sharp Point, Starfall, Storms End, The Arbor, The Dreadfort, The Twins Let and Right, White Harbor, Winterfell, Yronwood)
- 4 new religions - 'Ghiscari Gods' Slavers Bay, 'The Black Goat' Qohor, 'The Bearded Priests' Norvos and 'The Sun and Moon' Dothraki - (buildings included)
- A bunch of new ancillaries
- Many new building trees (17 new buildings with multiple upgrades)
- Animated banners for Westerosi cavalry
- New show style dragon model
- New show style giant model
- Show style hero models for dozen of characters
- New character strat model for the Dothraki
- Character strat model for Daenerys Targaryen
- Unique character strat model limited to all Targaryen family members
- Unique spy strat model for a newly added Varys
- Unique princess strat model for Sansa and Arya Stark
- Unique princess strat model for Margaery Tyrell
- Unique princess strat model for Cersei Lannister
- Unique priest model for a newly added Melisandre
- Unique diplomat model for a newly added Littlefinger
- New princess model and textures for all factions
- New diplomat model and textures for all factions (they are now called maesters and look the part)
- New priest model and textures for all factions (they are now called septons for the westeros factionns and look the part, essos get red priests)
- Changes to almost all minor house unit textures and unit cards.
- Added a Sons of the Harpy unit
- Added a Fiery Hand unit for Volantis (the guard of the red temple)
- Priests, spies, assassins and merchants added
- Pillage script added
- New unit models for house ryswell + flint (character strat models included)
- Changes to house Velaryons units
- Changes to house Harlaw's unit textures
- Tarly mounted crossbowmen changed to knights
- New model and textures for house Tallhart's roster
- New model and textures for house Celtigar's roster
- New model and textures for house Manwoody's roster
- New model and textures for house Ashford's roster
- New model and textures + one armour upgrade added for house Yronwood's roster
- Two armour upgrades added for house Tarly's roster.
- One armour upgrade added for house Daynes roster
- One armour upgrade added for house Hornwoods roster
- One armour upgrade added for house Crakehalls roster
- One armour upgrade added for house Umbers roster
- Dragons can now be retrained at Kings Landing and Dragonstone
- Changes to event UI
- Essos lordship ancillaries added
- General map changes
- Portraits added for the sandsnakes and more
Fixed V2.3
- Memory leak related to ui (no more buggy ui after viewing a number of unit/building descriptions)
- Family tree crash
- Fixed banner carrier models (the carrier now has the same model has their roster)
- Pikemen crash
- Dothraki horse archers floating bow