Top Secret
O. [Operations] Business
Operations Order No. 6
([for everyone] Operations Plan II, 5.)
A.) News of the Enemy
Some of the English main body suspected to be in the harbors of the Scottish north east coast, in the Humber and in the canal.
Individual battle forces (including U-boats) are frequently reported in the Jutland Strait [Skagerrak] and on the Norwegian southwest coast. Vigorous commercial traffic from the Jutland Strait toward the west and southwest.
B.) Our Intent
By means of the appearance of cruisers in front of and in the Jutland Strait, the enemy must be made to send battle forces on foray, in order to give our U-boats located along the English east coast an opportunity to attack.
In addition, a foray by the Commander of the 2nd Reconnaissance Group [Aufklärungsgruppe, II.] F.d.T [commander of torpedo boats] on “Regensburg,” 1st, 6th, and 9th Torpedo Boat Flotillas to the Jutland Straits. Cruiser and commerce war until morning of 1 June in front of and in the Jutland Strait as far as the Norwegian coast. Destroy enemy battle forces, draw the superior forces toward our own main body.
Airship reconnaissance cannot be relied on. Toward 6 hrs in the morning on 1 June, rejoin main body. The main body—1st and 2nd Squadron, 4th Reconnaissance Group, “Hamburg,” 1st F.d.T. [Commander of Torpedo Boats]
B.) Commander’s Intent
1st F.d.T on Rostock, and the rest of the T. Flottillas–located on 1 June 3 a.m. at 106ε pos. 4.
Retreat of all forces and further maintaining of positions as appropriate.
The naval corps is to support all undertakings depending on available forces.
The 2nd Squadron is to secure the German Bight; the approach by the 2nd Squadron for rejoining the main body [is] reserved.
C.) Execution Stipulations
1.) Departure of the B.d.A.
Departure of the battle forces assigned to the B.d.A. on 31st in the a.m. in accordance with the fire order is to be independently arranged.
Enemy and neutral steamships are to be brought in. No inspection at sea! Upon
bringing them in, take prompt care that steamships still reach the German Bight under the protection of our forces. In the case of a delay to the retreat from Jutland toward the North Sea by strong enemy forces, the route through the Small Belt or the Sound into the Baltic stands open.
2.) Departure of the Main Body
On 31 May in the a.m. (exact time to be ordered by signal), in this order: the 4th
Reconnaissance Group, 3rd Squadron [with] fleet flagship attached, 1st Squadron. Speed 14 nmi. Distance between ships 35 hm. Full steam in all engines. Main body is to head west of Helgoland by way of Position E and Position F toward 55° North, 7 °25' east, then via Quadrant 100 [unknown symbol] pos. center, toward 106ε position center.
During the night, distance between squadrons, 6 nmi. At dawn, decrease this distance again. Vanguard is to travel at 12 nmi. The intent is, at 6 hrs a.m. on 1 June to be at 106ε position IV.
3.) March security of the Main Body
The 4th Reconnaissance Group, “Hamburg” and 1st F.d.T., after exiting from the minestrewn area, form security around the main body for the march; announce the sequence.
4.) Distribution of the T-boats assigned to the main body, overseen and reported by I. F.d.T.:
Two fast boats to the fleet flagship, one each flotilla to 1st and 2nd Squadron, the others to be divided among the march security cruisers.
5.) Boarding Crews
The ships of the 2nd Squadron that are ready to travel will have 2 boarding crews.
B.d.A. is responsible for leadership of the boarding crews and their distribution to the T-boat flotillas and will provide for guidance to the boarding crews through the mine-free return route.
The steamships that are brought in should head toward the Elbe through the Amrum Bank passage and be handed over to the command center at Cuxhaven for searching.
D.) If airship reconnaissance is still possible in the course of the day on 31 May or 1 June, reconnaissance is to be carried out at:
1 airship between Line Hanstholm-Ryvingen, Norwegian southwest coast as far as Ekerö and as far as Helgoland, direction S to E, 280 nmi.
1 airship between Helgoland direction S to E, 280 nmi, and Helgoland, direction S to E, 289 nmi.
1 airship between Helgoland, direction SE to E, 240 sm.
1 airship between Helgoland, direction SE to E nmi, and Helgoland, E to S 200 nmi.
1 airship over the Hoofden.
E.) Submarines
In the evening of 1 June, the following are to be in attack positions:
2 large U-boats near Scapa Flow
1 large U-boat near the Moray Firth
7 large U-boats and 1 UB.-boat near the Firth of Forth
3 large U-boats north of Terschelling Bank.
2 UB.-boats near the Humber.
Flanders boats (6–8 UB-boats) in the Hoofden, as ordered by the naval corps.
In addition, mine placement by UE.-boats along the Scottish coast and by UC.-boats in the Hoofden.
F.) F.T [radio msg]. Stipulations see F.T. enclosure
G.) In General
1.) The order for the execution of this operation on 31 May will be issued by radio message “Date, top secret 2490.” The date implies that on the day specified, the commander of the reconnaissance group, with the forces assigned to him, is to depart in the morning. The departure of the remaining forces will be organized by the respective commanders and leaders in the most inconspicuous way possible.
2.) Securing the German Bight against U-boats on the day before the operation, according to instructions from the commander of the reconnaissance group, during the operation, according to the commander of the 2nd Squadron.
Aircraft, if possible, extensive reconnaissance and providing cover.
3.) Paint the back sides of the rear chimneys red on ships and torpedo boats.
4.) Topedo boats enter the operation under full fuel supply (convoy load).
5.) Orders to fire:
By the High Seas commander it is required:
Action [Maβnahme] north of 1st Operations stage at 2 p.m. on,
Action west of the 1st Operations stage 6 p.m. on.
H.) This order will absolutely be kept secret
The commanders may inform the officers and crews of this only once they are at sea. It must not fall into enemy hands.
signed Scheer
all admirals and ships of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Squadron, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reconnaissance Groups, 1st and 2nd Torpedo Boat commanders, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th Torpedo Boat Flotillas, commanders of U-boats, M.L.A., 2nd. S. Fl. Abt., North Sea Outpost Flotilla, SMS Arkona, Naval Corps, Station N[orth Sea], Admiralty Staff of the Navy, O.d.O., E. Central Office at Neumünster.